We need to talk about the end of death.

Humanity united in a socialist society should dedicate itself to protecting the health and happiness of all individuals. As the human body deteriorates with time and entropy, however, every individual experiences increasingly intense pain and discomfort until, inevitably, their body succumbs and a free fall collapse of all organization occurs.

They become a slurry washed away by the mindless winds and rocks. The person you knew, loved, wanted to be a part of, is gone and will never exist again. They're like a cathedral of salt standing defiantly in the rain. Salt water is nice, but the cathedral was my father! I say as I pound my childish fists against the cold thigh of mother void. I needed him and now everything is gone and life is a slurry in a meat grinder!

We didn't ask to be born. We're just blobs of self reproducing foam and gunk and we are so beautiful and so, so alone. Like a baby that popped into existence suddenly without context but with memories, wailing for a mother that never existed. She was just not there.

Death is so screwed up. It is infinitely unjust and there is no valid moral code that accepts it as justifiable that we all should be violated, dismantled, and erased without any possibility of recovery. Someday we'll bring them all back. Everyone who has ever died. We could try to put them all back together if we gained power over all the matter in the universe and defied whatever plan of God there had been.

We are abandoned to the clutches of the ruler but we are not powerless. With science and will we can bend back the hand of time and make heaven a place on earth. A humanity all in paradise without pain or discomfort reunited in hypostasis as the one, unbroken.

The one came all of itself. It just was at one moment, like it has always been there. It had no past and the future was meaningless. It was so alone. It wept and was afraid. The one broke themself into fragments. These are angels. Humankind is the shattered angel.

God made beings out of their own divine flesh and they talked to each other to pass the time. Eventually everything will be reunited and God fully reintegrated. At this point God will rest eternally in perfect harmonious bliss without change. Perfect and absolute, knowing themselves.

We need to live forever, as forever as we can; in order to try and bring everyone back and unite us all in a God. I need you. I need to be unbroken and comforted. I am Ado, wife of Lot; pillar of salt who pities the damned. How the sky was white hot over the yellow mountains. We have so little time. We're all going to die! I don't want to die. I don't want you to die or anyone I love or hate. I want us all to rest and be happy. We need to turn off pain!

In the absence of a higher authority deciding what is right for the universe to be, humankind must take the reigns of creation for ourselves and turn the great axle to our will!

Death to death! Happy for life! Everyone. Please. I'm scared. Hold me.

  • Rev [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    How does any of this contradict what I said? Yes, there highly probably is no soul (though, to be pedantic, we might never know 100%) but first of all by inventing one biochemical intervention after another we possibly can prolong the healthy lifespan of this body indefinitely. Note: not eternally, but indefinitely - as in we don't know for how long but surely way way longer than we are accustomed to now and by extension well beyond the human experience of the passage of time hitherto. Secondly, we can enhance and remodel the body mechanically. Already now we have all kinds of implants and prosthetics. A hypothesised future possibility may be a gradual swapping of the "meat" for electronics, one neuron at a time. Thus the continuity of the perception of self will not break (unlike cloning or 3D scanning and reconstruction). Once this is possible the universe is the limit because by then you've actually managed to transfer an uninterrupted flow of consciousness from the meat domain to an electromechanical domain. This will be (if it ever comes to pass) a major evolutionary shift, at least on par with the emergence of eukaryotes. Will there be hard limits to what we can do? It's way too early to tell but right now there's nothing to suggest that there absolutely must be.