I got clubbed on my forehead with a hockey stick. Needed stitches and have an eyebrow scar now.

  • atlasraven31@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    A kidney stone. Small but oh so much internal damage. I would say law enforcement 2% pepper spray is the most painful non-damaging event I have experienced.

  • almost1337@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Fell and broke my femur at home. Needed to be surgically repaired with a titanium pin, after which I was in the hospital for 5 days, rehab for 3 weeks, and then a few months later had another surgery to replace a screw in the pin which was protruding and scratching up my thigh muscle from the inside.

  • Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 year ago

    It wasn't a beating, just one kick in karate class. We wore cups (groin guards) and protective equipment, but I was an adolescent and "changing" rapidly so my cup was several sizes too small.

    We were also supposed to "pull" our kicks and punches, but my sparring partner didn't pull his kick to my groin and he broke my groin protector cup. It hurt so much I lost my breath and fell over until my sensei had me sit in an 'L' position while he lifted me from behind under my arms. That seemed to straighten things out.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    Headbutted by a skinhead on my way home from school. I couldn't see straight afterwards and had to be walked home by a friend..

    A biker once hit my across the head with a pool.cue rest. It was weird as I didn't see anything happen but everything slowed right down (fight or flight is useless when you can't see the threat), I noticed a guy I knew start to react and then I went blind. Someone sitting with me says the blood fountained out of my head then lost pressure and ran into my eyes. I was alright after I got cleaned up, although someone did walk me home to make sure I didn't die up an alley or something . When they renovated the pub I was tempted to ask.if I could have the floorboards stained with my blood but I decided not to.

    • yngmnwntr@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Do you regret not asking? If those floorboards were still in usable shape somewhere in a shed would you want them now? It's been 15 years and I still regret leaving a completely innocuous but immensely personal random ass piece of pipe somewhere that my grandmother could accidentally scrap it. I would absolutely have carried that piece of garbage with me all these years. I have so many memories from the little time we had, who knows what we could have accomplished together.

  • IHaveTwoCows@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I have been very fortunate that the worst were draws. My problem is that getting hurt makes me mad rather then...whatever the other emotion is. I even lose my temper at inanimate objects and take accidental injury personally. However, I make real sure that I dont take it out on other people. I had an employee quit on me when I was having a bad day a long time ago and that was a wakeup call

  • innermachine@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    I'm currently sitting in bed in pain no sleep (besides during surgery) for second night in row. Dislocated wrist and shattered forearm, 8 inch I believe long plate (had to get custom made, so I got to spend a night with my bone all but protruding through skin) with 13 screws. To hold me together. All cuz some jackass in a lawn care truck decided to go left in front of me when I had right of way, I slammed my brakes but hit his bed I was on my motorcycle. Flipped over his bed straight cleared it then skipped down pavement like 20 ft or so. If not for my suit I would have lost the arm and had far more injury. I'm a mechanic by trade so 3 months recovery min is going to ruin me.

  • 31415926535@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Chased into street, knocked into street pavement, kicked in stomach repeatedly while neighbors watched.

    Thrown across room, onto sofa, jumped on top, pinned me down, beating into my face with his fists.

    Hit, shoved so hard I nearly flip, slam into wall, earring ripped thru ear.

    I had a happy childhood.

      • 31415926535@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Was done by multiple people. Some relatives, some not. Decided that wasn't the life for me, cut ties, moved far away. It is survivable. Tks for kind words

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    When I was little, there was this game many of us played where we put clothes hangers (the ones with clamps) on ceiling fans and watched where they hurled the clothes hangers. We stopped when it gave me a black eye.

    • SnokenKeekaGuard@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 year ago

      We used to throw stuff at fans to see where they'd deflect it luckily no bad injuries. Had a ketchup sachet slap my brothers face but no other physical injuries

  • LongPigFlavor@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Nearly got strangled to death by my own dad for saying that the family name didn't mean much to me. He pushed me against the wall. My stepmom and stepbrother had to get him off of me. That was years ago. I no longer speak to or see him.