We will not forget the casualties, pain, and suffering that the Japanese imperialist regime imposed on the Chinese people. Any attempt to deny or cover-up this tragedy will be met with strongest condemnation.

  • StickmanPirate [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm not arguing that the Japanese weren't fucked, but if mainland Japan had been blockaded, what do you think would have happened? Would they have gone "Well guess we lost lads, lets pack it up" or would they do what they were already doing and impose even harsher rationing on their civilians to feed their military to the bitter end? Given than one nuke wasn't enough to convince them to surrender, and Japanese veterans were found throughout the Pacific still continuing the fight as late as the 1970s, it's not hard to see what the answer is.

    I'm not saying the US are good, or that the nukes were a good thing. I'm saying that the lives lost from the nukes, in my understanding, pale in comparison to the probable loss of life if the nukes hadn't been used.