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"Oat Milk is literally a scam."
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Honestly, at the same time I believe all this might be true of Oat milk, I always wonder about ideological and ulterior motives someone with Jake Trans-esque platform has to do this, as if he's a big milk or big meat man or something...
For context, he has videos like "plant-made and lab-grown meat is a scam"
this shit sucks. acting like canola oil is the mark of the beast or some shit. shuddering at the thought that an imitation milk that actually tries to be fatty has fat in it
dairy milk is trash to drink too, the difference is not very significant
Putting emphasis on "R*peseed Oil" to scaremonger about canola is so pathetic and non of the points made in the video are actually that bad. The reason why people drink oatmilk is cuz it's not cow milk which involves a process including torture of sentient life. The whole video is just this person doing their hardest to make something as stupid as oatmilk scary.
I think you may want to address some points I've given above...
I mean that's not only problems he has with it
Firstly, oat milk may use maltose, a sugar whose glycemic index is higher than regular cane sugar (105 to 64 for comparison).
Another complaint is that it uses "artificial" trans fats, that cause diseases from diabetes to cancer.
A third claim is that it uses dipotassium phosphate as a emulsifier, which could cause kidney disease and heart attacks...
Not to mention, it may not be as environmentally friendly as it seems, as the video just says it's at least 3x more carbon-intensive than regular dairy milk
But the only thing that caught me off guard is that he brushes off the rest of the milk alternatives, even orange juice, as worse than dairy milk... like wtf, did big milk promote him for this shit...
"It's considered safe by the FDA and commonly added to dairy products, such as regular milk."
Again, another "poisonous" product happens to be commonly found everywhere...
I would bet money the carbon impact claims he makes in the video are a bunch of bullshit and the lady he used clips of is some kind of dairy/meat industry paid scientist. There have been tons of articles about the harmful methane from cattle and she tries to minimize it by equating it to wetlands naturally occurring methane emissions. Lmao. But I’m too lazy to go research the lady.
Overall after watching this video and reading the comments here it just makes me so fucking frustrated that you just can never get straight information about anything that is actually true. We need a soviet ministry of health that doesn’t get lobbied or act as a revolving door with private industry to actually be able to tell people the actual truth about food healthiness. Ugh i hate living in capitalism, it fucking corrupts everything, even science. It just makes me ignore all of this shit and just eat whatever i want and pay attention to whether it makes me feel like shit or not. Fuck it we all die some day.
And also the obsession with the self and health and having the perfect body and perfect health is all part of the narcissistic behavior that capitalism trains us to engage in obsessively because it helps them sell us products. (I think Naomi Klein’s new book doppelganger reflects on this a bit). I hate this world.
trans fats are a health fad/scare that's completely poisoned by health-food brand marketing, mostly relying on the fact it's "artificial" even though we've been eating it for thousands of years. other oils and fats are also calorie-dense substances that correlate with illnesses, mostly just from the fact they can efficiently make you gain weight.
dipotassium phosphate, at least as it's explained by webmd (lol) is just associated with trash calorie-rich food that's correlated to heart disease and harmful weight gain, it doesn't actually cause those conditions. and the kidney disease bit is that if you have kidney disease you might not filter the phosphorus properly leading to complications---it doesn't appear to actually cause kidney diseases. it's weirdly common for people to claim things are 'linked', 'associated' etc. with kidney or liver disease when they're actually reading advisories for people with kidney disease, "if your kidneys DON'T WORK you might want to avoid this" it's completely different from those substances & chemicals causing diseases in a healthy body
oh and the fucking Maltose? remind me what dairy milk intolerance is called again? lact--ose intolerance? they're almost fucking identical disaccharrides but unlike lactose the vast majority of people can metabolize maltose vs ~30% of the global population adapted to lactase production
I mean like he's not completely incorrect about , but his whole schtick is like anti-vegan activism which is pretty a pretty weird vibe.
Like, he's always attacking specific things but then generalizing it out to be like "because this particular plant-based meat substitute is bad in these specific ways (I will ignore all benefits also,) it's all bad.
I have a nut allergy so oat milk is the best fake milk that won't kill me
Even trans fats? Those were banned (almost(insanely)) by the FDA according to this video.
nah, trans fats are directly linked to atherosclerosis
Idk why, but he says it tastes like shit, specifically the oat + water combination. Idk if he's pulling a strawman out of his ass or something...
Do you put anything in it or just parts and water? I have made it too but i would put some sweetener in it to make it taste better.
Instant oats and water and sometimes some sugar but most of the time I use it to (after strain it, or not) then blend with banana so I don't add sugar, but it's my taste, it's not a crime to eat more sweet.
Anyways, I like oat milk even without any sugar. But for example I utterly detest soy milk and anyone who ever enjoyed it.
If it's homemade you need to add an enzyme (amylase) which breaks down some of the starches into sugars. This improves the texture and adds some sweetness. Industrial producers do this and it's how they get the flavor juuuust right.
Please edit the title with context that this is a dunk/reactionary video since this isn't the dunk tank
Don't mean to do your job for you, but I've always felt strongly about "chud slop needs to stay in the_dunk_tank at all times"
I try to give warning if I don't think the person is doing it maliciously, I've been pretty hands off with this community so far and I think the discussion in the comments is good so I don't want to remove it or lock it yet
But I'm absolutely open to comment on that
Edit: Removed it because they refused to add a tag. Plus the video is totally bullshit and fails to mention the massive subsidies that are paid out to dairy farmers to keep their prices low.
It also focused specifically on Oatly as if all oat milk is one brand.
real gamers do flax milk 😤 it goes hard
on the other hand with oat milk i can refer to it as scrote milk which is funny
Oatmilk is scrotemilk
Flaxseed is whack seed