Getting mad on Twitter or pissed at the news or wallowing in climate apocalypticism is great and all, but focusing on the self and the community--even if it's just your neighbors or friends or family--is a lot more constructive

Running, lifting, bodyweight exercises, going to the range, talking to (real life) people, catching up with the old friends (especially the ones that have become more and more quiet), being outside, sex, cooking something new for yourself, reading something (fiction or nonfiction) you've been meaning to (not on a screen), keeping a pair of spare socks and gloves onhand for anyone on the street needing them

Your ability to cause change will always be very local and very personal, unless material conditions provide you the stage; so focus on the stage you have, for small as it is, it still has meaning, and behind every Great Man of History you have bookmarked to read about are thousands upon thousands of ordinary unknowns who held him up to the light of day

Calls to 'organize' or 'join the DSA/IWW' are great and all, but shit, make sure you're at least doing the basics, remember that all who live will die (even Kissinger), and self-actualize enough to appreciate being human while you're here

I know it's a meme to say "man I wish I could go back to pre-leftism, when I wasn't depressed/mad all the time" but fuck that, don't let that consume you, reframe it into an indignation that spurs you defiantly on despite the odds, not a reason to surrender