I’m sick and came to the doctor to get tested for covid, strep, and flu, since those are going around my work. I asked the doctor if I could get paxlovid if the covid test was positive, and he goes “Oh I don’t think you’d need it”

Motherfucker almost everyone who catches covid should be fucking taking it wtf is wrong with you. Oh I’m young and otherwise healthy? Yeah and I’d like to fucking stay that way thank you very much, and I’ll take any reduction in the chance of becoming permanently disabled.

Also of the medical professionals I saw today, they were only wearing surgical masks, not N95s and I can’t comprehend it. Why in the hell would you go into the room of a likely covid case not wearing an N95 are you insane?

I’m so fucking sick of being the only person in this entire town that’s actually worried about catching this disease, even the fucking doctors don’t care anymore. I work in a research facility attached to a hospital and when I go to the food court and shit at best like 1/25 people are wearing masks. In a hospital.

Thank you Mr Joe Brandon for ending the pandemic, you’ve truly cemented your place among history’s greatest killers.

covid-cool biden-harbinger covid-cool

  • duderium [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I presume you're American because you insist wealth is a prerequisite to a medical degree. My parents were low-middle income before they retired. We ate 2 minute noodles at least twice a week and Dad grew most of the veggies. I went to a shitty public high school. I worked hard, got good grades and scored well in the entry exam. Nowhere in any of this was the question of money ever an issue. The government pays (well, loans really) the university fee and I was on welfare for the duration of my studies, which is less than minimum wage so I had a part time job as well.

    Wow, you definitely earned everything you have by the sweat of your own brow! But you’re Australian, aren’t you? Just ignore the mountain of aboriginal skeletons and the ocean of aboriginal blood underneath you. You are very much a man of the people!

    Paxlovid has not been studied in the prevention of long COVID, and another closely related antiviral combination (lopinavir + ritonavir) has actially been shown to increase the odds ratio of long COVID by 92%.

    “The analysis showed that Paxlovid reduced the risk of long COVID-19 by 26% over a six-month period.”


    Oops! Actually, it has been studied! And actually, it does help! You are objectively incorrect! How many people are dead or living in misery because you chose to protect your bosses rather than the vulnerable? Maybe you should have gone to medical school in Cuba, where they actually train doctors to help people regardless of how much money they have?

    Please read the article and come at me with nitpicky details. You have made a terrible mistake by arguing about covid with a communist, even as I strongly suspect you stopped masking years ago and are constantly infecting the people around you with disease. As you go about your day and judge whether to provide expensive medications to save the lives of poor people, remember that it was a communist with no medical training or expertise who defeated you here, fair and square.

    I’m done arguing with non-doctors about this.

    Must be nice knowing that it’s not just the anti-vaxx weirdos second-guessing you all the time. Anyone with any experience with doctors is constantly googling whatever you tell us because we know you work for the bourgeoisie, not for the 99%.

    • 38fhh2f8th5819c7@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      You know that feeling you get when you're a subject matter expert and some moron tries to argue with you by googling their own opinion and linking a news article in which one of the lead authors has declared conflict of interest by consulting for the manufacturer of the drug they wrote a paper about? Yeah, that's why I'm done arguing with non-doctors on this topic.

      You are not a communist, you are just another American white boy in a Che Guevara tshirt who blames his own failure on capitalism and a system set up against them in the same way incels blame their loneliness on women who fail to see them as they see themselves. Both a conveniently external locus of control.

      Thankyou for inspiring me to block hexbear BTW

      • duderium [he/him]
        1 year ago

        How is this specific study incorrect? If you examined the data, would you draw a different conclusion?