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  • ShroomunistTendancy [any]
    4 years ago

    well actually on that subject, i recently decided to take advantage of an oppertunity to troll my managers and their managers and even their managers irl, which has led to a weird kind of stalemate atm due to covid, in the sense of an employer-employee dispute. it was pretty easy to use tricks i've picked up wasting my life trolling online to get some management to say and do and write some pretty stupid things. i've got a way to fuck them over now, even financially (and in excess of whats required for legal purposes, as revenge), but its stalled. I did get to actually shout at a high up manager though and he was shaking at the end haha.

    unfortunately i'm in the uk, and while I can (with effort & perseverance, and not entirely to my satisfaction) use and abuse the workers rights we do have as an individual, this means nothing because it helps no one but me. And even then it doesn't help much.

    i'm in an industry where its default to complain about managers, but managers have a lot of tricks and workers aren't organised. the uk worker complains but never does anything, because we're still servents in a country infected by aristos. That includes a labor aristocracy.

    anything you can do (and workers have a lot of tricks to escape or beat the system) is purely individualistic, the company absorbs any payout as a matter of course, nothing really changes. The only real lesson i can impart is that companies/corporations are really weak right now, if there was ever a time to pile on pressure (accidentally break stuff, use up stock etc - don't get fired tho, and only if you hate who you work for), its now because of covid.

    i'm lucky because i'm not trapped by some of the things my colleagues are - debt, consummerism, familial responsibility (this is the biggest one).

    from the UK, to the US, since i guess this community is mostly US (i may be wrong), do not fall for european style socialism its a trap set by aristos who still rule europe and a far more cunning one than your republic