• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      I can't imagine a more capitalist notion than commoditizing motherhood.

      Freeing parents and guardians from the depravity of want is not the same thing as establishing some kind of minimum billing rate for child care.

      • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        You're thinking about it from a capitalist perspective, though. It's not commoditizing parenting—it's ensuring everybody receives what they need no matter what. "Pay" in a communist context means "you can live without worrying about paying bills to some do-nothing leech". It's not like we're creating a free market of who can parent children for the lowest bidder or some shit.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          4 years ago

          “Pay” in a communist context means “you can live without worrying about paying bills to some do-nothing leech”.

          It looks more like the Yang-Gang basic income model to me. One in which landlordism persists while households remain atomized.

          I'm not seeing much in here about community parenting or the socialization of child care. Nothing about time off to guarantee equitable opportunity for all family members to participate in raising kids. Just this idea that parents are wage laborers under a nebulously defined employer.

          I could absolutely see some AnCrap or NeoLibshit waving this around while insisting we do an Uber for Parents.

  • Wraldan [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Don't Americans get any kind af child support from the government federal or state, like at all ?

    • pinerw [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Theoretically yes, but all of the programs for doing so are under-funded and means-tested and circumscribed into near-meaninglessness. They’re basically systems designed to kick as many people as possible off of their benefits, while still keeping up the pretense of having a social-welfare system.

      The extra kick in the gut is, all of the bureaucracy and regulatory enforcement agencies needed to enforce these Byzantine systems are still expensive as hell to operate in a country this big, so in the end we spend a ton of money trying to offer people as little help as humanly possible.

    • quartz [she/her]
      4 years ago

      There are various means-tested beauracratic nightmares that are too complicated to enter, and so meager in both the amount and what they allow you to do with the money. It's on a card, so they only let you get the foods they certified to be the shittiest. The calculus of amount of aid versus how much effort to get it probably ends up way below minimum wage.

      • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's so good and neat that you can go to the grocery store with EBT and buy packaged raw chicken quarters, or like pre-cooked and cooled fried chicken, but not a hot rotisserie chicken.

    • RalphGrenader [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Hahahahahaha Well, as a recent parent, I can say that my wife gets 6weeks unpaid thanks the the family medical leave act, so hey you better save extra money! Fuck the united states.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The admin comment is talking about intersectional feminism, so I was going off of that.

        But even then, this comic implies one parent takes on all the responsibility of raising a child, to the point it is their literal job and they should be compensated. Raising a child is the responsibility of both parents. (Not that single parenting is bad, but that's a different situation than a couple putting all the parenting responsibility on one of them.)

        Are they both paid for this? If not then the one getting paid is essentially a "primary caregiver", an idea that should be done away with in the first place because again, raising a child should be done equally by both parents.

        Or would a couple with children just not have other jobs? Would a large portion of people on Earth be doing nothing but raising children, considering a lot of couples have children?

        idk, it just reeks of old fashioned parenting roles, but gender neutral.