If you want to feel like you're losing your mind.


A vaccine program will also be expensive, even though recipients are told they will get vaccinated for free. One thing I’ve learned in life is that “free” is rarely a good price for anything. Especially something of great value, like protection from a deadly disease.

I propose a citizen-led program with three basic objectives:

  1. Entice a broad array of social influencers to help drive vaccination rates
  2. Raise $50 billion to subsidize vaccinations
  3. Provide various businesses with certainty

My proposal is neither conservative or liberal — or it can be portrayed as both.

By establishing one price for the vaccine — free — we artificially constrain ourselves to that price and exclude other pricing models able to deliver better results for society.


  • Infamousblt [any]
    4 years ago

    This clearly exemplifies what is wrong with liberalism. They think that price and profit MUST control everything and that by utilizing price and profit effectively, society is the best it can possibly be. They think Profit is the most important outcome and that as long as that profit outcome is met society will be served.

    Which is OBVIOUSLY INSANE in the case of a vaccine. The only outcome of the vaccine is protection from a virus and the only way that outcome is achieved is if that vaccine is widespread and easily available. This is at DIRECT ODDS with profit.

    Libs are actually sociopaths