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  • Parysian [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Started playing the Resident Evil remake since it was real cheap on steam. I love puzzle horror games, and while some of the old mechanics from before they had decided how 3d games would work are annoying, it still feels really creative and fun to play. And tips, if any of you have played it? Or weird mechanics I should know about since the game explains basically nothing. I've gotten to the point that some zombies are reanimating, so "burn the bodies in areas you walk through a lot" is something I've already learned the hard way.

    • goldsound [he/him]
      4 years ago

      REmake is really fun, I've probably beaten it 3 or 4 times. Definitely conserve ammo for bosses - kill enemies only when its a must, run away from the rest. Mainly, the normal zombies. Outside of tighter hallways, you can dodge them fairly easily. If you do kill them, like you already said, burn them ASAP. Remember that no room is necessarily safe forever, especially if its on a ground floor. Just because you cleared it out doesn't mean that party crashers won't show up - they can even sometimes beat down doors. Especially on your first playthrough, don't feel bad to constantly return to the storage chests to swap your inventory - about half the difficulty is properly balancing your inventory lol. Oh, and inspect every item you get - almost everything has a detail or hidden button that doesn't become clear until you give it a once over.

      • Parysian [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Damn, I looked it up and crimson heads don't come back after you kill them, so that's some kerosene wasted :/

        Oh well, got two masks now, think I'm getting the hang of things.

        • goldsound [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Ah shit I should have mentioned that, my b. Make sure to find every map you can, because they will help you so much when trying to find what rooms to investigate and items you've missed. Also, a thing I like is to unlock all the doors with the special named keys because once you do the game will tell you they are spent and will let you throw it out.

          And once you've gotten all the masks, you are only about 25 maybe 30% through, so have fun! It gets even wilder from there.

          • Parysian [they/them]
            4 years ago

            Np. Oh wow, the game is longer than I thought then! I've been looking for future maps, but have only found the first floor one. Guess I'll just keep my eyes peeled. I do wish it told me on the minimap what symbol is associated with which key as long as I've tried the door, it's hard to remember. Thanks for the tips again.