can somebody make me not scared
i already had covid, caught it at work and was very sick for 3 weeks. my sense of smell is still fucked and i am now also living in constant fear of dying from a random stroke.
In my opinion the vaccine is worth it even though there's trace amounts of Jeffrey Epstein's cum in it and that's why they have to keep it frozen
Like I get your fear. I'd definitely have (unfounded) jitters and fears because the vaccine is an unknown in our mind.
This vaccine has been given to millions of people already. They're closely following any effects. Middle grade effects (like an allergic reaction) are less than 1%. Serious effects are basically zero.
It's human and normal to be afraid of the unknown, and to absorb some of the bullshit from antivaccers. But believe me. If I had the opportunity, I swear I'd get the vaccine.
Also, mRNA treatments have been in use for at least 15 years, so there is some history on this type of medical technology. They haven't been used in vaccines, but as cancer treatments etc.
Hearing that made me feel like it wasn't some untested technology.
However, I would expect maybe headache and fever that have been reported as common side effects, but nothing more serious that that.
It would be worse to get covid again than to get the possible rare side effects of vaccine
I know people (personally) who got vaccinated and they are fine. The worst they experienced was a fever and pain in their arm. And a headache (because, fever). They were in good enough shape to keep working. It's nothing if you caught the rona before
You have to have the vaccine even if you've had covid already?
The only things I could taste were soda (just the sweetness) and cranberries.
That's very interesting and now all I can do is ponder the reason... Like both those things are pretty acidic. Did you notice an ability to taste other acidic things like pickles and such? There's typically also a good amount of citric acid in both those things so perhaps it's that particular thing. Do you typically drink or eat other forms of citrus containing items?
Edit: or perhaps it's the shear amount of sugar that happened to be stronger than all the other flavors that where getting "dulled."
I did not try pickles. I did however have Ketchup and Sriracha.
Hmmmmmm. Well ketchup usually has a good amount of sugar in it but siracha not as much. Both of these also are fairly acidic and contain citric acid. Vitamin c (ascorbic acid) is kind of a big deal for the body too and cranberries, tomatoes, and peppers all have really high amounts of it. But then idk about sodas. IDK where I'm going with this it's just super interesting. lol
I had a recent comment that relative so I'll copy that here, but basically I think the fact we aren't sure what/if they're are major side effects to that vaccine but DO know what covid can do is more than enough to say the reward outweighs the risk. I'm 100% getting the vaccine as soon as I am able.
Anyway here's the comment I had on another thread.
"My mom was offered the vaccine from her work and she was saying how she wasn’t sure if she was going to get it because “they aren’t even sure about all the side effects” and I looked at her with and in the most dead serious tone I’ve ever heard from myself I just said “get it.” She’s scheduled to get it on the 11th. lol
Edti to add: I know there’s fear of unknown side effects but right now my mom is also stopping by my almost 90 year old grandmother’s house several days a week to check up on her and she also goes out to the grocery store and shit unplanned all the damn time. It a miracle she hasn’t gotten covid yet and if she does she will give it to my grandmother and if my mom is the cause of her mom’s death from covid it will destroy her."