This post is in dedication to the existence of post 69420, enjoy your slop piggies
I'm getting tired of arguing and might as well just accept that REbr0 Thought is the law of the land now.
Just accept it and let the purge wash over you. I’m barely being ironic at this point. If they wanna have purges and ban people, they can. I just hope they don’t get shocked when people either quit posting or go somewhere else all together. Even long time posters like Cumwaffle are saying that shit’s getting annoying.
i really liked this except for the TRUST IN THE MODS part, i'm not even try to argue but that part just seems kinda unnecessary and divisive.
It originally said "Trust in Browder", I just didn't feel like editing out the top part lmao
Lol was this some kind of chud anti-Russiagate image originally?
Nah, it was promo art for the 2ACW update in Kaiserreich, so it's cool and good
There's a couple different paths you can go down, they added two fleshed out totalist paths last year I think and they're both either going with Browder or the other CPUSA guy I don't remember the name of
Nah, it's from this based as hell mod from hoi4 that was really big a couple years ago. Link
this pipeline is basically plugged on one end, lined with poo, and has big seeping cracks along the whole thing.
We are swimming in the sewage pipeline of ideology ALL THE TIME :zizek-joy:
I appreciate the Brooklyn bridge, to represent the borough that each and every one of us lives in
I am the overly enthusiastic generic white guy holding the sign
I'm the wobbly songbook bound on the right side for some reason. Maybe it's the back cover?