• Catiline [he/him]
    4 years ago

    lol goddamn nobody here has any idea what they’re talking about do they?

    You, specifically. It's pretty absurd how you know that terrorism is a legitimate issue in Xinijang and there's absolutely nothing credible suggesting that the Chinese government is doing anything but genuinely attempting to deradicalize and provide vocational training for people afflicted by religious extremism. Yet, you just have some hunch that the spooky Chinese people have to be doing something sinister?

    I've actually -- believe it or not -- read some of the cables/documents known as the 'Xinijiang Cables' that Western media flouted as irrevocable 'proof' of 'Uighur Concentration Camps.' Let's look at some of the horrendous excerpts.

    In the "combination boxing" and "three battles and one war" struggle to fight against terrorism and maintain stability, it is a strategic, critical and long-term measure to focus on free vocational skills education and training for key personnel. In order to thoroughly implement the relevant decision-making arrangements of the party committee of the autonomous region, further strengthen and standardize the work of the vocational skill training centers (hereinafter referred to as ‘training centers’), ensure the absolute safety of the training venue, improve the quality and efficiency of education and training, maximize education, save and protect key personnel, and promote the social stability and long-term stability of the whole of Xinjiang, based on relevant laws and regulations and based on Article 12 of the previous guidance on education and training, we again bring up the following opinions. First, ensure that the training venue is absolutely safe

    1. Adhere to the comprehensive combination of personnel defense and technological defense to strictly implement measures meeting requirements to prevent escape, noise, earthquakes, fire, and epidemics. It is strictly forbidden for police to enter the student zone with guns, and they must never allow escapes, never allow trouble, never allow attacks on staff, **never allow abnormal deaths, never allow food safety incidents and major epidemics, and they must ensure that the training center is absolutely safe and free of risk. **
    1. Family education. Through letter writing, phone calls, video chats, visits, meetings, meals, etc., establish a mechanism for students and relatives to interact with each other, to ensure that the students will have a phone conversation with their relatives at least once a week, and meet via video at least once a month, to make their family feel at ease and the students feel safe. Pay attention to the ideological problems and emotional changes that arise after family communications, and do a good job of timely ideological guidance. Explore the establishment of two-way teaching and two-way point system for local schools, and promote the transformation of students' education.


    • kavila [any]
      4 years ago

      this is a document from the chinese government. my basic thesis is that throwing people in camps because they are "baby-making machines" is never good and the only way anyone could think this is okay is if they believe the chinese government 100%. which is absurd.

      maybe you need to go visit east turkmenistan and see for yourself

      • Catiline [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's an leaked internal memo/operation's manual, not a press release. If there was any instructions to engage in sinister activity, then it'd be in there but it's not. You'd almost begin to think that a socialist* government that explicitly overthrew the previously nationalist-bourgeois government, explicitly enshrined the rights of minority groups in their legislature on a fundamental level and saw the share of Uyghur population in Xinijiang supersede that of the Han population reversing their decline under the forementioned KMT wouldn't abruptly start committing ethnic prosecution for absolutely no reason, but maybe I'm off my rocker.

        my basic thesis is that throwing people in camps because they are “baby-making machines” is never good and the only way anyone could think this is okay is if they believe the chinese government 100%. which is absurd.

        I've seen nothing to suggest people are being thrown into camps for being 'baby-making machines?' Decreases in reproductive rates among a population that is introduced to greater wealth, birth-control and education is a trend universally repeated throughout human history.

        And no, I don't support prisons, I don't support the state. It is inherently coercive and will do inherently coercive things. We want it's eventual abolition for a reason. But the reason this debate exists at all is the implication that China's measures are uniquely heinous, which I've seen no evidence for whatsoever.