How can you watch these videos and think these peite bourgeois fucks are "working class"?

  • Barabas [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm sure that there were working class people mixed in, it is a numbers game and that is the vast majority of people. But being working class doesn't mean that you're a comrade. Do people think that the rank and file of the Nazis were made up exclusively of rich capitalists?

    Someone simply being against the current order doesn't make them a comrade either, fascists have been positioning themselves exactly as that since the beginning. The Trump movement is dominated by domestic US capital and petty boug wanting to preserve white supremacy and their priveliged positions.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I think the distinction is though plenty of white working class may have loved to have been involved, but travel costs, time off, etc. make it more difficult for them where as a real estate broker from Texas can just jump on a plane and stay at the Hyatt and riot