The world is pretty shit right now and it can be pretty tiring and heavy. So I've decied to make a daily post for us to share GOOD things that happened recently, whether that's a bigger picture good thing or a small, personal good thing.

Did you make strides in unionizing your work place recently?

Hear about a strike?

See a cool bug?

Help out a comrade?

If so, share it with us in the comments here! It doesn't matter big or small! This is a space to recharge and remind yourself what you're fighting for. Come and vibe!

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    1 year ago

    My degree is going well so far. I got a high distinction for a statistics GIS software thing.

    Also this thing exists, that's pretty cool


    Also I tried to post this thread in the Bloomer comm at first, but it didn't work. No biggy, it can live in this comm for now

    • PeoplesRepublicOfNewEngland [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Slugs are neat there are many active slugs in my area this time of year and they are cool to look at. I saw one carefully navigate its eye around a blade of grass the other day without touching it. Crazy sophisticated behavior for something that doesn't technically (Edit: according to some stuff I've read but see below) have a brain.

      Edit: I went and did some googling and I'm seeing papers speaking of slugs' brains so I guess this definition has changed and improved.

      Edit 2: It's possible the usage is inconsistent as there are (some) papers going back a long way describing the cerebral, pleural, and pedal ganglia of the slug as a brain.

      GIS is very cool and sometimes helpful for getting job type things congrats!