this used to tank my mental health so bad, just constantly feeling guilty cause im not working and achieving shit like my peers, but then i realized that it's all bullshit and you can just enjoy your life instead

dont get me wrong, self-improvement is important, but hustle culture is toxic as fuck and makes people feel like shit about themselves. some people dont give a shit about careers and ambitions and just want to vibe

  • Yun [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It annoys me to the point where I feel conflicted about sharing "life successes" to friends in private let alone on social network sites. On the one hand, fuck yeah something good happened and I want to share it but on the other hand, I don't like the idea of people I know who are "less successful" being forced to compare their circumstances to mine.

    I think what I hate the most is the circlejerk surrounding college acceptances. Like not only does it not matter much (at least compared to actually graduating from your program and being able to live independently), but I suspect it causes a lot of young people to just go with the flow and end up making one of the biggest decisions of their life before they've put an adequate amount of time/thought/preparation into it resulting in high dropout rates.