We're fighting for UNIVERSAL healthcare. We want you to be healthy, yes even if you're white MAGA lmao. Wake the fuck up.

    • BasedGiraffe [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yeah this is it. White people largely want to act like equality (read as equal opportunity, which also isn’t even true) has already been achieved and the reason they’re above in the hierarchy is because of random shit like genetics.

      If they lose power as the arbitrary in-group of whiteness, then they’re afraid that the same shit they do to people of color would be done to them. They see increasing power towards equality as potentially going beyond equality, especially when whites become a minority in population percentage, which is also why they want to genocide Latin American immigrants.

      Reactionaries are terrified of slippery slope fallacies because they know what they’d do in situations where they are given more “power”. Beyond that they largely still want to dominate these groups, so they’re also against it actually resulting in just equality.

      I’m also convinced a large part of the reason reactionaries, in particular white guys, hate LGBTQ+ rights is they’re afraid of being hit on by someone in that community. They know how humiliated and uncomfortable they’d feel being catcalled or some shit, but have no problem doing it to women.

        • BasedGiraffe [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I meant random more like they’ll come up with anything to justify it.

          If you start really pressing them on the genetics argument about how groups like the Irish and Italians didn’t used to be white in America, that whiteness encompasses so many distinct regions simply on the basis of skin tone, that people of color can sometimes be born with white passing skin tones, etc., then suddenly they come up with something else a lot of the time or change their argument in bad faith.

          Reactionaries almost always use argument as a means of domination not out of genuine perspective. If you ruin their argument they’ll just learn to argue it in a different way, because the beliefs exist only to justify their supremacy to others, and to a degree to themselves.