Can't run for office again, no lifetime secret service detail, open for more investigation/prosecution, etc.

Accelerationists mad. But I will join the libs and rejoice.

edit: caveat: if they end up getting the votes.

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don’t mind Dems doing this so long as they don’t sweep actual shit like covid relief under the rug. Preventing Trump from running again is worth at least shooting your shot on.

    That being said, Senate won’t convict. GOP knows not to blow up their own party’s base over this. They’ll get Romney, Collins, Murkowski and maybe someone who wants to run in 2024 as the “it’s time to move on” candidate (Ben Sasse?). But if you think a third of the Senate GOP is going to sever all ties from the most popular Republican in the history of the party you’re nuts.