Suffering severe stomach cramps while I drag my IV Down the empty antiseptic corridors of the hospital, clattering metal loudly echoing through the building as I drag my broken ankle and a bag of saline to the Courtyard patio so I can have a fucking cigarette. Truly I'm looking forward to this three times a fucking day.

At least I'll be finally having my kidney issues sorted. Let's hope I don't catch covid and end up worse off because I'm already immuno-compromised and no one's said anything to me about this vaccine I'm supposed to be "first in line" for.

  • TillieNeuen [she/her]
    4 years ago

    My dad started peeing blood a few days ago, saw a urologist and scheduled tests, but while we're waiting for the tests he's drinking massive amounts of water so he's peeing all the time because if he gets a clot big enough to cause a blockage, he's going to end up in the hospital, where he might get covid, and he's already immunocompromised because he's a cancer survivor. Oh, and also, one possible reason for pissing blood is more cancer. So I feel you. I hope you get to go home soon and you don't catch covid! :heart-sickle:

    • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah I've got water tablets (they basically force your body to use all water available) to stop me pissing blood. However they cause water retention which makes my legs and occasionally my balls swell up with excess water it's deeply unpleasant, especially when you have water weight pressing constantly on a broken ankle. I guess it beats pissing blood though.

      I really hope your dad's OK man. I know how scary this shit is first hand. Thanks for the kind words comrade :stalin-heart:

      • TillieNeuen [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Thanks! We're hanging in there. Having your balls swell up with water retention sounds absolutely horrible! And then a broken ankle on top of everything? Like, really? As if you needed one more thing to deal with.