Last I heard there were mass protests against neoliberalism and they were rewriting their constitution or something? Anyone know if anything came of that?

  • Cherufe [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Protests died down because of covid, there are still people protesting but not even close to the levels of late 2019.

    About the constitution , there will be a election in April to choose the 155 delegates that will write the constitution. The format of the election is similar to that of election senators, with every district election a small number of delegates.

    The bad news is that the right wing has united in 1 coalition for the election, with "centrists" being in the same tickets as fascists, meanwhile all of the opposition to the current constitution has slipt in 3 major coalitions and like 70 small indpendent ones, which means that even if the right has a minority of the vote they will be overrepresented in the number of delegates and could likely reach the 1/3 thats needed to have veto power in the writting of the new constitution, so im not extremely optimistic right now.

    • dukeofprunes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The bad news is that the right wing has united in 1 coalition for the election, with “centrists” being in the same tickets as fascists, meanwhile all of the opposition to the current constitution has slipt in 3 major coalitions and like 70 small indpendent ones

      This sounds familiar

      • Cherufe [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I know right? And as much as i would like to laugh at "liberal right wing" Evópoli for showing that they are functionally the same as the people that still supporty Pinochet, that startegy might work at the end. Bright side is that I could vote for a communist delegate instead of having to settle for a centrist I guess?