But seriously, does anyone not have an onlyfans these days? It's probably not a good look for capitalism that seemingly 1/3 of the country has turned to sex work to make ends meet. Definitely not a dystopia.

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Well, I tried selling nudes before OF was that big, so that probably counts. I wasn't successful, which is probably true for most who try this sort of thing. I have mixed feelings similar to what I'm seeing in this thread. Like empowering and normalizing sex work is good, it's great, it needs to happen. But gods it's really hard to look at how such a huge percentage of women are now competing with one another to be jackoff material for men and not feel like the patriarchy really has us on a string. I'm not saying the act of being a sex worker enforces the patriarchy, I'm not a swerf, but capitalism & patriarchy necessarily shape how sex work is structured, and neither of those tend to put things on a good trajectory left to their own devices.

    All I can say is that part of fighting for the rights of sex workers has to include fighting against the gig-economy-fication of the field, just like protecting any other kind of worker, because a race to the bottom in sex work is going to get a lot of girls (and guys, I know there are plenty of male sex workers too, all this applies to them as well) hurt.