Here's what a CIA whistleblower has to say about her role in the Drone murder program

Avril Haines, at the NSC, was in charge of determining whether it was legal or illegal to place people on John Brennan’s kill list. We know that in almost all cases that she said it was legal to put these names on the kill list, and people were subsequently killed by drone, including American citizens, like Anwar al-Awlaki and his son.

She also choose not to discipline CIA agents for hacking the computers of Congressional Staffers authoring the Senate torture report.

Later she heavily redacted the final draft of the report; reducing it from 6000 pages to 500.

And she heavily advocates for an intensification of " crippling economic sanctions on North Korea "

However, I'm gonna push back on the grandpa love and say it's not that surprising that Bernie would vote to confirm this ghoul considering he's always supported drone warfare; saying they've “ done some good things ,” and “ taken out people who should be taken out .” When it comes to opposing Imperialism, Bernie has never been on our side .

  • T_Doug [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If you feel like justifying this, I encourage you to read Rosa on opportunism :

    Now if one says that we should offer an exchange – our consent to militaristic and tariff legislation in return for political concessions or social reforms – then one is sacrificing the basic principles of the class struggle for momentary advantage, and one’s actions are based on opportunism.

    Opportunism, incidentally, is a political game which can be lost in two ways: not only basic principles but also practical success may be forfeited. The assumption that one can achieve the greatest number of successes by making concessions rests on a complete error. Here, as in all great matters, the most cunning persons are not the most intelligent.

    Bismarck once told a bourgeois opposition party: ‘You will deprive yourselves of any practical influences if you always and as a matter of course say no.’…We who oppose the entire present order see things quite differently. In our no, in our intransigent attitude, lies our whole strength.

    It is this attitude that earns us the fear and respect of the enemy and the trust and support of the people.

      • T_Doug [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Thanks comrade

        :gold-anarchist: :gold-communist:

    • Mattmatatt [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I don't quite understand the part about saying no but not saying no?

      "Does it follow from this that our representative in the Reichstag must oppose all debate on bills concerning these matters with an abrupt and blunt no? Absolutely not," - then she talks about investigating the individual parts and then always coming to the conclusion of no anyways. Is she saying it's important to explain the root causes of the no every time to show people your ideological consistency?