Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but tbh I'm all out of options here. I've tried looking all around the internet for any sources on whether or not he has but I've come up blank. I've tried analyzing photos of him in the Oval Office, looking for anything; a stain on one of the couches, a white splash on the side of the chair, anything. Part of me just assumes that he hasn't done it yet, which I know is pretty standard stuff for Presidents - liking to store up some special White House cummies beforehand. But I just thought he'd want to be a bit more... revolutionary, y'know? Not to say I don't support him or anything, but it's just that this would've been one final f*ck you to Trump! We all know that He Who Shall Not Be Named lied about the fact that he didn't christen the Office until 3 months in, claiming he did it right when he got there(While there were still reporters in it? Yeah right!), so Biden saying "Look, Donnie, not only did I beat you, I can cummie on the first day too, like you couldn't!" would've been a shiver-inducing monument to the fact that we won. Sigh Anyways, just thought I'd ask here before giving up. Thanks.