See for another expose on the brutality of working conditions imposed on delivery workers in China, by a Marxist collective
See for another expose on the brutality of working conditions imposed on delivery workers in China, by a Marxist collective
Didn't mean to seem more informed, especially on this topic I'm definitely still incredibly uninformed. But this website often makes complicated issues seem simple, when they really are not.
When it comes to Chinese labor rights though, it's also important to remember that a single country its own is powerless against global capitalism. So much of the surplus value produced in China goes to western capitalists. So to critique Chinese labor practices it's not nearly enough to be anti-CCP, because western capitalism is a fundamental part of the equation. Any successful leftist project is inevitably forced to "open up" their markets to global capitalism, or face economic disaster as a result of being sanctioned & left out of the market, not to mention invaded and overthrown.