I'm starting to think slavery made economic sense and that the economy doesn't serve us
Yes! Giving people money means people spend money to buy things, which in turns keeps the economy functioning! But that could empower the working class enough for them to not take whatever shit job we tell them to, so we can't have that!
I don't read this rag, but I did read the study it's citing because about a dozen other outlets ran the same title. Suprisingly it's not what you think, it actually talks about a check here and there months apart does nothing because people will not spend it if they can afford not to but if it were a guaranteed monthly check then people are more likely to spend it because they know the money is coming back next month. Not the worst or Pro-UBI studies I've seen. However, I'm afraid it will be taken the opposite it was intended by conservatives and moderates, "These are useless, no point in sending them out!"
Never read the WSJ opinion page. It deposits heavy metals into your bone marrow. Their reporting is also all pro-Capitalism but it also has to be somewhat objective because it is a conduit for information that the elites also rely upon. All that journalistic integrity flies right out of the window as soon as you flip to the editorials.
so class as you can see from this graph, the poors should suffer and die
Why be mad at this? They are simply shilling for their class interests.
"Keeping the population fed and housed is a good thing.... or is it??? More at 11."
Fun fact they do make economic sense because the money pretty much goes right back to the economy
Lol imagine thinking the economy can continue if no one has any money to buy things... or even to pay rentiers like they want