GME is the only time where investment is fine and dandy - you're not reaming over any workers, we're just getting scraps from a fight between some hedge-funds. And that's great, I'm in on it too. I love the memes, it makes me happy to see people share posts about being debt-free (hopefully I will be too when this is all over), being able to afford medical expenses, or just finally catching a break in this hell-year. This is the one time it's ok to invest in a stock.
Suddenly turning around and wanting to "invest" is not great, and does not bring me joy. The gains you make trading stocks, are taken directly out of a workers pocket. It's not an honest dollar.
Shareholders and wall-street guys aren't hated because they're rich (exclusively). They're hated because they're parasites. They add no value, they do nothing.
If you are a stocktrader, or dependent on it for your life, I'm not trying to hit you with lifestyleism.
You do you. But don't start asking for an investment community on a leftist forum - like we're not struggling enough with chuds. What are you gonna do; hit us with a quote from Marx, whilst putting out some info on why Target is the next big thing?
To make it big as a stock trader, you have to have a shitton of money already. Whatever it is you're working with, it's pennies compared to even the tiniest hedgefund (and if it's not :stalin-shining: wtf you doing here?)
If you make it big trading stocks, your material interests are directly opposed to that of the working class.
If you donate all your gains, you will not be able to effectively trade.
If you don't donate your gains, why are you doing this?
No matter what you do, you're expropriating wealth from workers. Who are you to decide where their money goes?
"They will sell us the rope..." "Marx was a day-trader..." yadayadayada
Marx was a daytrader way back before high-frequency-trading. Stalin was a bankrobber, Lenin probably did some spooky shit too. A lot of those guys did a whole bunch of crimes.
Sorry for the rant.
Well fuck I guess why bother listening to academics about anything, right? Climate change isn't real I guess. One stock acting wonky doesn't disprove what the evidence points to: day trading is a losers game. You will not beat the house at this and this GME shit pisses me off because we've got lots of comrades now who are gonna lose money chasing this. You wanna give more of our wealth to the bourgeois? Then yeah, day trading is a great way to do that.
Ok academic analysis of something made up like the stock market and something as real as Ice levels on the poles are inherently different and one analysis is way more likely to be based in material reality than the other. Applying dialectical materialism is not just trusting academic consensus wherever it forms. Sweet straw man tho. Ok listen close: no one should bet more than you can afford to lose. It’s a casino. This is always true of gambling. I hope my comrades get paid but some of them will lose what they invested. As I said, as long as we understand that the stock market is not some sacred institution and is actually a lot more like a casino for the rich then we’ll all be fine if we just treat it that way. I’m sorry but if anyone’s betting more than they can afford to lose then yeah that’s bad. But don’t act like you’re here trying to fucking protect your comrades from losing money or some dumb bullshit like that. If that’s what you really are after you should be in favor of them being more well informed on this. They’re holding right now for a reason. No one should put money into the stock market they aren’t prepared to lose and if they lose it that was the kind of poor judgement we would be advising against in a C/investing comm. oh and guess what? The bourgeoisie don’t even need to take our money, because they control when the money gets printed! That’s what bailouts are! Why would we not want to heighten the contradictions around the stock market? Can no one else see a left wing utility to understanding and participating in the stock market to a limited degree? Yeah it’s contradictory, but isn’t contradiction what dialectics is all about?
Most folks in academic finance know pretty well that markets are screwed up. They work within a paradigm that never considers alternative models to capitalism, so no you're not gonna see many advocating socialism. But the academic world is way more "wow yeah capitalism is screwed up" than people here realize.
Yes, I do care about my comrades. IRL, I'm the one telling my family and friends - begging them, a lot of the time - to stop day trading or owning like 6 stocks or things like that. Because yes, finance isn't the same as climate science but it's not complete junk science either. And what we know is decisively against personal investors doing anything other than index investing.
And yeah, you can say "don't invest more than you can afford to lose" but you know damn well there are comrades who will not heed that advice.
Ok plenty of us also went to college and are aware of the ivory tower. Yep they know and aren’t revolutionary, the SDS taught us that. And I mean they literally had to invent their own Nobel prize so agree to disagree. If it ain’t Marxist economics or financial advising I don’t heed it. the motto is actually don’t BET more than you can afford to lose and that’s the important operative word. But hey if you wanna advise all your friends and family to sell all their other investments Rn then go for it. But IMO, any comrade with GME stock should HOLD TILL 1000$! and hey if you’re so confident on the subject why don’t you try shorting it for like sometime after Friday? It’s literally free money which is obviously a bad thing, but that’s what’s so funny about of all this. Take that green and purple pill all the way to the bank comrade.