Gay Hobbes, you know I love you, but I'm begging you, stop posting drama nonsense
Also I'm gay, drama is like Gatorade in that it fuels my electrolytes
We really need to have someone like him pushing back on this shit and posting reams of content, I can't stand that people are getting poisoned by this dumbfuck
Well then what are you waiting for? You thrive on drama, you hate these grifters. Be the gay communist YouTuber you want to see in the world. Gay Hobbes is already a pretty good YouTube personality name.
god i cant stand listening to this fucker. hes basically tj kirk but with a radical aesthetic and less self awareness
Jesus Christ why aren’t we fighting back on this dipshit
Idk, the only time I ever hear anyone other than his sycophantic fans talk about him or bring him up at all is to point out that he said something really stupid and dunk on him. I'm not sure what you're even talking about lol
He dominates r/breadtube now, and his acolytes are starting to pop up
He fucking shows up on r/breadtube all the time to defend himself too, I hate it.
Okay, but do we just let that sit and produce more pro-West socdems calling themselves leftists or do we hijack that for our own pipeline?
I mean if you have a plan to do that then good luck I guess, but like people don't adopt an ideology because they heard a really good argument in the free marketplace of ideas. That's lib shit. Material conditions define the ideologies that someone will adopt.
You don't. You ignore this. Internet 'politics' is all drama and conflict staying forever unresolved because it is disconnected from real life. It plays out in a world based on distorted information generated IRL and severed from consequences in the material realm, where takes are the only input that matters. Log off and embrace grill pill thought: only post to have fun with the boys
I dunno, you don't think there's no real consequence for 200,000 people (probably in reality a tenth of that though) being poisoned constantly on the evils of MLs or what
Considering that there is no irl ML presence in the West, this guy has to be in conflict with online MLs which only politics addicted media consumers care about. That means this will be an entirely sterile battle of takes with no consequences in real life. It is a distraction, a spectacle which subconsciously reinforces the idea that politics online matters. Everyone involved in this is better off posting about monkeys or watching movies.
lol holy shit it's bad.. thanks for posting, it's good to get some context without having to actually try and watch his trash.
Why is he popular?
Because he is funny, has good takes and he rakes in the liberals. He is a good comrade. Watch him for longer than 10 minutes please before jumping to conclusions.
I agree that he doesn't appeal to hardcore lefties who can't once excuse him saying femoids and that's okay.
I have listened to him for so many hours and it is a mystery to me how you could think he's transphobic.
I have seen most of it live or in the VOD and I agree with most.
I have seen most of this clip live or in the VOD and I agree with most. It's heavily edited here of course and without context.
dude, he literally just called all trans people mentally ill and a detriment to the left. he said the lgbt community should be expelled from the left and ignored. he's ok with the spread of child porn, and defended the use of the N word. hes a conservative in every way.
defending pedophilia
calling trans people mentally ill
calling the left 'weak' for caring about people or something
defending the use of the n word
and more
And yet there's someone way below defending him to me saying that, well, he may call trans people mentally ill, but he says trans rights on stream so it's okay!
lmao right? Also he accused tankies of not supporting CHAZ/CHOP while literally saying CHAZ/CHOP was 'bad optics'. Fuck him.
i get called a tankie for being a non-sectarian marxist these days. life is wild.
That's the Vaush(tm) influence right there, they think anyone to the left of a bastardized, misunderstood version of Kropotkin is a tankie. He punches left CONSTANTLY.
its really wild to me that people look at that guy and immediately want to take advice from him on their worldviews though
yeah for every bad take in this video he has 3 200k views videos on his channel where he verbally beats the shit out of transphobes for their bad takes. And racists, and conservatives. And people who are all three.
Honest question, should he stop doing videos?
Absolutely he should, or at least read some fucking theory and stop punching left and going on these odd rants that are indistinguishable from something a right-wing person would say.