You hate to see it.

One user linked an article about how AOC is a SV survivor and that's why she's having difficulty recounting the trauma she went through in the Capitol attack, after Hasan joked about how long it was taking her and how much she was stalling.

Then, instead of either scrolling past it or just apologizing and accepting that it probably does make it harder to recount the story, he bans the user and begins yelling about wokescolds on the left and how he hates those members of his audience.

Turned off the stream after about ten minutes of him continuing to yell about it.

edit: Timestamped link of the moment:

  • COHR14 [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I've seen him own up to some mistakes but nothing that important. That and his getting stunlocked left and right drives me nuts

      • COHR14 [she/her]
        4 years ago

        ugh I know. I'm a chapo/trueanon gal, but to decompress I put on jerma or hasan (or charliewinsmore if he's ever on)

        • Rem [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Yeah, I started tuning in a bit a last year cause you know he's the hot "America dieserved 9/11" guy. The election stuff was good but everything beyond that was just, I couldn't really keep engaged with him constantly getting super hung up on Twitch chat.

          • COHR14 [she/her]
            4 years ago

            same i stayed for 9/11, am now tuning out for nintendo controls malding