You hate to see it.

One user linked an article about how AOC is a SV survivor and that's why she's having difficulty recounting the trauma she went through in the Capitol attack, after Hasan joked about how long it was taking her and how much she was stalling.

Then, instead of either scrolling past it or just apologizing and accepting that it probably does make it harder to recount the story, he bans the user and begins yelling about wokescolds on the left and how he hates those members of his audience.

Turned off the stream after about ten minutes of him continuing to yell about it.

edit: Timestamped link of the moment:

  • snackage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I wouldn't have replied if you just said "that implies" but you used corollary, a we'll defined logical concept. Misusing words just to rhetorically bolster your argument puts in a worse position.

    • ThatsNotPraxis [he/him]
      4 years ago

      A corollary is literally just a logical result that follows directly as a result of something being true.

      As someone who cares a whole lot about logic in my day to day as a mathematician, you’re just being a pedantic debate bro that doesn’t even have the slightest clue about logic in the first place.

      On top of that he wasn’t “making an argument” nor “bolstering it rhetorically” you loon.