We all know the hypocrisies of the pro- Israel stances, I’m not going into specific arguments but it’s just everywhere. Normal people seem to have bought in even quicker than they did with supporting Ukraine. it’s awful. Free Palestine.
We all know the hypocrisies of the pro- Israel stances, I’m not going into specific arguments but it’s just everywhere. Normal people seem to have bought in even quicker than they did with supporting Ukraine. it’s awful. Free Palestine.
they saw a pretty white girl get killed by the brown hordes, it shuts down all their higher brain functions and sets off the monkey signals that make them want to kill
Protecting white women from real or imagined violence by
the other is and always has been a key element of white supremacism and often of fascism generally.
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They did it after 9/11 too! I remember my shithead roommate always had it on and there was nonstop Natalie Holloway coverage for years.
Especially after 9/11!
See Jessica Lynch and Bush’s “Ashley’s Story” campaign in 2004
she's confirmed to be alive
Shani Louk or whatever? Inconsequential to me, I'm not apologizing for the terror but funny if Zionists get caught lyin' (again)
yes https://nypost.com/2023/10/10/german-tattoo-artist-shani-louk-believed-to-be-alive-after-hamas-kidnapping-mom-says/
This is such an effective propaganda trick, it strikes people right where they're most vulnerable, in their hearts, by showing someone you could fall in love with killed in a war that naturally takes lives and commits attrocities in both sides. We all have simple monkey brains at the end of the day, and that can be very easily exploited by those with power.