This first picture is, of course, Pyongyang with the second being USA
Please go share this in right wing spaces :kim:
that second pic looks like los angeles. or san francisco. or... really any city in california with a downtown.
It's actually Portland, OR, the Right 2 Dream 2 camp created by houseless folks and their socialist/anarchist allies. It was evicted about two years ago roughly, to make way empty lot, never developed because of the pandemic.
edit: you can tell because of the stuff in the upper left corner. It's the historic chinatown gate, with the statues flanking it facing the main Burnside boulevard, so it's clearly located on 3rd ave & West burnside. The picture taker was facing west. Of course, that neighborhood (especially pre-pandemic) has been gentrified to hell. Even "rent control apartments" in that neighborhood are like 900+ a month for a studio, with the difference subsidized by one of the highest individual tax rates in the nation. Of course, there's no deductible for the state taxes, which means even a homeless person can theoretically "owe" taxes despite not having an address to file them under.
Despite the state violence which evicted this camp, on this very night there are a few dozen sleeping there....on the curb, outside of an anti-climb fence, next to one of the worst streets in the city for drunk driving accidents. I feel terrible for them, and hope no one accidentally runs them over while heading home from one of the irresponsibly re-opened bars
Mr. WHEELER, I ASK YOU~~~~~~~~ TEAR DOWN THIS poorly constructed fence
its fine. the people going to the reopened bars are going to die disproportionately and everything will be okay.
except for the plague and the global warming and the corporate hegemony and capitalism evolving into its final form and...
yes, I found the place:'44.4%22N+125%C2%B044'19.4%22E/@38.9956681,125.7365393,869m
Man some of those captions are so flagrantly biased.
This is the ‘Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities’. It’s located in Sinchon where an alleged mass murder of North Korean civilians occurred in 1950 at the hands of the United States during the Korean War. For American visitors to North Korea, this may be the one place to make you feel uncomfortable. The murals here are graphic, brutal and depict Americans enjoying the torture of men, women and children using primitive methods. Photographs are uncensored and show mass graves, mutilated corpses and burnt women and children. The final room depicts the surrender of the Americans. The visuals are aggressive and intense, and copies of these murals are used in educational facilities to push the anti-American narrative.
Somehow alleged while also being heavily documented
alleged mass murder of North Korean civilians occurred in 1950 at the hands of the United States during the Korean War
genocide denial is the norm in Amerikkka
I do like when later on there's a picture of a buddhist monk and the liberal's brain goes all haywire.
Seemingly all female guides are incredibly beautiful. I don’t believe this to be a coincidence.
Send Juche to horny jail stat
You only see Pyongyang because electricity and running water, let alone modern housing, are extremely scarce outside of the very few biggest cities.
They do that shit all the time and it's so obnoxious. They used to do it with this picture of empty shelves in a Texas store and say that was Venezuela, but at least with that it was easy to call them out because all the signs were visibly in English.
Shantytown slums aren't a moral affront, they're a violation of private property (and safety/hygiene standards if you're a liberal). If you let the poorest settle down, they'll, like, form communities and demand votes and public services.
If you zoom in on the left image you end up with the right image.
There's a pretty big tent city next to some shopping outlets by my house. I cant think of a metaphor better than that.