...So you pick up a history book to figure out US's angle
From Peter Dale Scotts: American War Machine-Deep Politics, The Cia and the Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan
TL:DR the US turned Burma-Laos and Thailand into a heroin growing triangle (The Golden Triangle) much like they did with the Mafia in Sicily and Marseilles.
The Drug traffickers and drug money became a huge way of CIA to implant bourgeois ideology and suppress communists and the growing popularity of the PRC. They even used ex-Nazis as agents for drug smuggling. It also gave US unfettered access to Myanmars tungsten reserves.
This enitre coalition was directed at China of course.
Every 👏 "Pro democracy" 👏 movement 👏 is 👏 a 👏CIA 👏 front
From a previous comment I posted on Thai protests
Who is coopting the protests?
2 virulently antiChinese billionaires tied to Wallstreet finance and the Cia (Ned)
Thaksin was part of the Carlyle group and Prime Minister of Thailand in early 00s where he sent Thai troops to Iraq to please US master and set up black site cia torture camps
Because Thailand is shifting rapidly into Chinas sphere of influence. In this light we should view the contradiction mostly in the light of US imperialism wanting to contain China and keep its US military bases and black site torture camps in Thailand
Who is leading the protests?
Thai Lawyers for Human Rights which is a Cia funded organisation. Of course they would be as their name gave me a fuzzy feeling
Assembly of the Poor, claiming to represent Thailands rural poor is also Cia funded and their listed as a member of Neds website
The people trying to rewrite the Thai constitution are named The Internet Law Reform Dialogue (iLaw) whos primary source of income is you guessed it Cia (Ned)
Yeah I'm aware the guy that writes it is a white Thai nationalist that loves the Thai military
However I don't care. He exposed that those groups are tied to CIA and that's all I do care about and those groups are listed on NEDs website and I don't care what his motives for doing so were (being a pro Thai rightist or Monarchist or being an anarchist or communist makes little difference)
So while the US embassy denies NED is funding them....They're on NEDs website
Here's a second source on it
The source I'm concerned with is the fact NED listed them on their website
So they're still funded by NED/CIA
Yeah I'm an OP for pointing out these orgs are on NEDs website
Jesus wept stop replying to me.
I don’t have a side on this argument but I do not think a lot of people here realize that NED has money in pretty much everything in the third world, whether they’re direct assets or just vague humanitarianism. I happen to know of a Mexican org that gets legal help to indigenous prisoners who don’t speak Spanish. They get NED funding. It’s not a CIA regime change operation, it has no political pretensions that way. Just like that there’s a billion different things that NED has its hands on. Yes, of course there’s an overall bent towards liberal imperialist bullshit, and it is their job ultimately to secure the US’ sphere of control, but not everything that receives or has received money from NED is owned by the CIA.
They will pay and front orgs that are "good" and "doing good".
But their main purpose is to cultivate assets - to find leaders and people with charisma using these orgs to then use them for US foreign policy ends (either knowingly or unknowingly)
In Mexico you should be paying attention to these bastards as the fact Mexico is flooded with drugs and has seen more death in Mexico than Afghanistan in the recent past is directly tied to US foreign policy destabilising Mexico by weaponising drugs using the CIA and organised crime (Chapter 2 of the book this post is off)
“blah blah monarchy amazing.” Are we really citing right wing blogs now?
read Marx radlibs
only gets a minority of its funding by the NED.
I need to save this thread.
A year from now it will be more obvious these protests are a US operation with Thaksin Shinawatra at the helm. Radlibs here will pretend that no Leftists ever supported it.
It's always the way
Anarchists supported the fascist/neoliberal uprising in Belarus
A year after the fact and all the information about US funding the protests is out in the open and all these motherfuckers are like "Belarus who? Hong Kong where?"
It'll be the same with Thailand
Yep. Judging by the upvotes, it's clear that ignoring US operations in Thailand is a popular position in this thread.
Supporters of these protests must seriously grappled with the failures of past color revolutions. I don't trust anyone who refuses to learn lessons from Ukraine, Hong Kong, Libya, Syria, etc.
The only Thai communist that I've read who has supported these protests is Giles Ji Ungpakorn. He supported all the color revolutions in the 2010's and has familial ties to Thailand's comprador bourgeoisie.
No communist has provided a method for revolution under the dual pressures of the existing state & the US color revolution complex. I won't hear about them until their revolution succeeds, since they sure as hell won't get tenure from the Rockefeller Foundation.
The only Thai communist that I’ve read who has supported these protests is Giles Ji Ungpakorn
I literally posted multiple times that RT Thailand is an openly communist group. Just because you aren't aware that it exists in the fact of obvious examples.. M
Congrats for quoting reactionaries in Thailand. Would you like to hear leftist local opinions?
Sure. I'll see for myself whether it falls into the bin of actual materialist analysis, or "Marxist" myth-making. There were countless "Marxists" who supported regime change in Hong Kong, Ukraine, Syria, and Libya.
My friend did a podcast with one of the leaders of the student protests. She's full commie and openly critical of libs and billionaires. I'll DM you and anyone that asks for it. It's my friend's podcast, so I'm hesitant to share to openly.
The website "Ugly Truth Thailand" has a good material, Marxist summary of Thailand, although the guy's a Trot. The same guy wrote "A Coup for the Rich", which has a good Marxist summary of recent Thai political history.
So CIA deems the reactionary anticommunist monarchy that currently reigns over Thailand isn't good enough?
Thialand (under the reactionary anticommunist Monarchy) has decided in it's material interest to move closer to China
And in doing so has started doing military exercises with China and become a partner in the BRI initiaitive
Thailand also started buying Chinese arms
The boys down in Langley have decided that they can get Thailand to pull out the BRI, disentangle from China and go back to buying US military hardware
CIA is playing both sides. CIA supports military and NED supports protests.
This isn’t the first time they have done something like this...
I am going to ask a bunch of stupid questions. Is there a source where I can read about just the composition of the protests. Is this mostly student led? Are there any examples of student led protests which have not been basically color revolutions? Are there any workers and peasants involved in this?
It seems ridiculous, but something about the protests seem off to me. They have the exact same aesthetics and similar tactics to the HK protests, and everyone seems way too well coordinated and equipped. Every time the US gets involved in a "pro democracy" protest they tend to adopt the same weird, reddity, westernized aesthetic (they're holding up the Hunger Games three-finger salutes FFS). It turns into a bunch of black-shirted young people holding up quotable signs in perfect English, no matter what country they're in. And I'm not saying Thailand's government is worth supporting - they're an absolute monarchy and the king is a total sleazebag - but they seem to have pretty normalized relations with China...
Sometimes this is different in countries with American influence or a large English speaking population, but when a protest's demands are "democracy" without ideology and their aesthetic appeals to western audiences, it's always a reason to at least be skeptical.
Like, remember when Overwatch characters were going to save Hong Kong :agony-limitless:
same aesthetics and similar tactics to the HK protests
petit bourgeois students :mao-aggro-shining:
Wait they went ML? I actually hadnt heard about that. I guess the last few pro democracy protests ive seen have just put a bad taste in my mouth but I'd be interested to learn more
Lottt of CIA fronts here comrade
The “Thai Poor Act” is not the fucking “Assembly of the Poor”
So In Land Destroyers article he says it's not the same name but he found a youtube channel with a similar name. So he puts a question mark over that one.
So you've "debunked" 1 out of the 3 organistations 2 of which are on NED/CIAs website
you disengenous right wing shit
Wew lad. Yup I'm right wing forehead
When I speak the name Myanmar out loud how is it supposed to sound? I'm having trouble finding official pronunciations it's just a bunch of people arguing whether or not to call it burma or not.
I'm ignorant of it, but my left wing friends who know Myanmar refuse to call it Myanmar. Something about Myanmar being the name chosen by the military government.
Better than my left-wing friend who insisted to me that it is spelled Myanmar but pronounced Burma lol. Gonna have to own him on this one later
The first Splinter Cell game used the latter, so that should have been my clue that it absolutely wasn't that one lol
The way I've heard Aung San Suu Kyi pronounce it is as two syllables, myah-MAHR, with maybe a light nasally ng on the first syllable and not a lot of R sound at the end. Wikipedia seems to agree: [mjəmà]
After hearing that both MEE-ann-mahr and MAI-ann-mahr sound incredibly grating.
But I suppose it's the same as how everyone pronounces 東京 as TOKE-ee-oh instead of tou-kyou.