I'm going to post a couple links to sources for the next couple days to hopefully start a conversation in this space! These will fall in the area of Fat Studies and there's some norms you should be aware of:

  • "fat" is taken as a neutral descriptor, think of it as reclaiming the word.
  • "obese" arbitrarily medicalises fatness and Others fat people

I'm a cis man and I have (had) body image issues (in the past)


I'm queer and fat


I'm queer and not fat


The others don't apply to me and/or I only have the energy/time to read one source



👉 Part 2 is up

👉 Part 3 is up

  • mittens [he/him]
    4 years ago

    they aren't, a fair amount of people are successful initially but gain their weight back between 5 to 10 years, that's what the 5% figure represents. i figure most people start not giving a shit tbh, calorie control is easy on paper but it starts to take over every part of your brain. every trip to the store, every time you hang out with your friends, when you visit your parents you're like "how much calories are in this or that" or "maybe i can make up for this by eating a bunch of tuna at dinner". at some point you're like "what's the point of this, i don't even feel good at all", and stop doing it altogether