What the fuck is it with Americans and "trying to make obviously political things not political"

once again, the Onion serving up heaps of inspiration for American media

  • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The controversial first-person shooter seeks to portray one of the bloodiest battles in American history, one that cost the lives of United States and allied forces as well as thousands of Iraqi citizens in 2004


    Instead, their first-person shooter will try to engender empathy for American troops in the field, for their work destroying the insurgents that dug in throughout Fallujah, and for the civilians trapped in between.

    The U.S. military has said that it used “shake-and-bake” tactics, a combination of high explosive and white phosphorus rounds that flushed out insurgents from their hardened bunkers in order to destroy them. But using white phosphorus as a weapon, and in close proximity to civilians, would seem to contravene the accepted laws of war. Again, Tamte isn’t interested in litigating what constitutes a war crime.

    “There are things that divide us, and including those really divisive things, I think, distracts people from the human stories that we can all identify with, ” Tamte said.


    The challenge of moving house to house, engaging in some of the most violent urban combat since Vietnam, will make up 90% of the game’s action. The other 10%, Tamte said, will be given over to the story of the city’s civilian population.

    imagine this for vietnam. The challenge of moving hut to hut, engaging in some of the most intense "throwing frag grenades in there" since 1940s German bunkers, will make up 90% of the game's action

    [civilian] stories will give the game its parallel storyline where players will take on the role of a father trying to lead his family to safety. That family’s story will overlap with U.S. forces in the game.

    “This is as an unarmed Iraqi civilian,” Tamte stressed. “We do not at any point ask the player to become an insurgent, to be clear about that. This is an Iraqi civilian who was trying to get his family out of the city during the battle.”

    lol, guess they're gonna have the army let your wife and daughters through while turning you and your sons back into the city because you're "military age males"

    • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, I'm sure that story of 10% of the civilian population won't be about how they told all the civilians to dip, but forced military aged males (large age range btw) to stay

      • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
        4 years ago

        that would be a pretty sweet Spec Ops The Line moment: you spend the whole game shelling houses from across the river because anyone left in the city is a terrorist by definition, then the game slowly peels back all of the bullshit until you see the actual real not a propaganda piece story of an iraqi civilian

        relatedly i've been listening to the audiobook of Andrew Cockburn's "Kill Chain" and it's honestly kinda funny how absurd these slugs are, especially drone operators

        they're not women, that wouldn't make sense in an ambush convoy. must just be men in disguise

        bullshit, i didn't see a kid. maybe an adolescent

        afghan men stand up to pee, but foreign fighters squat

        they got out of the cars to pray and wash in the river, they're obviously preparing to attack the american soldiers they're driving away from