They're not legit they're just bought with stolen credit cards and my understanding is they can be deactivated later, because, you know, stolen credit cards
Just pirate lmao
I asked if there's a Chapo server that allows pirated copies to connect but never got an answer. If they use radmin a pirated copy may be able to connect to a bought copy if they're the same version. If not there could be a separate server for the pirated version but I don't know how populated that would be.
i’ve heard multiple game devs say they’d rather you just pirate then buy from g2a or whatever website sells cheap steam keys. most of the time these sites get their keys with stolen credit cards. it’s not worth screwing some (very likely poor) person over for.
Don’t get why Russia gets cheaper games even though the country I live in has lower wages.
Russian interference.
I bought a game once from g2a and my info wasn’t stolen and the key worked.
But it was an old game
I bought few keys from and so far I did not have any issues. Some games have normal prices there but many are dirt cheap. If I want to buy something I usually check if I can get it cheaper there.