• TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    ISIS are still reactionary ghouls though, just a lot less powerful. Adapting "No Vietnamese ever called me a [REDACTED]" generally works better if the designated state enemy are left-wing governments of relatively small nations (e.g. Cuba or Venezuela, not so much PRC necessarily).

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They are fucking animals that's for sure, I thought this worked better because this is an obvious absurd exageration. But really no TerroristTM ever denied me healthcare

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'd say "the CCP never charged me $100k for cancer treatment" still works.

    • SmallieBiggs [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Isis has done more to fight US imperialism than any American leftist

        • SmallieBiggs [he/him]
          4 years ago

          If they aren’t a problem to america , why does the media run attacks on them?

                • SmallieBiggs [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  There were a hundred scare stories about how Isis was gonna come and kill youx

                  • ProfessionalSlacker
                    4 years ago

                    Yeah, 6 years ago. How does that prove your point? American propaganda changes on a dime, they've been softer on ISIS recently because the new boogeymen are Assad, Xi and Putin, all of who ISIS is working against. FFS, American media use China's harsh policies against Islamic extremism as an example of how authoritarian they are.

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago


        Weren't those animals CIA created and funded from the beginning?

        • TossedAccount [he/him]
          4 years ago

          My understanding was they were Saudi-funded. Which very well could be them laundering CIA money.

          • RNAi [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yes, totally. Like your puppet regime funding a group that is opposed to you? Do they really think people is that stupid. Yes, people is that stupid.

      • TossedAccount [he/him]
        4 years ago

        On the same note as RNAi, ISIS looks a lot more like the Khmer Rouge (except not even the pretense of socialist anti-imperialism) than they do the Viet Cong.

      • hamouy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        By that logic you can also just go and excuse the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese too, since they were fighing US imperialism

          • hamouy [he/him]
            4 years ago

            "the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron""

            are you calling ISIS good????? I swear to fucking God you Yank "Leftists" will be the death of me

              • hamouy [he/him]
                4 years ago

                I'm calling them bad because they rape, kill, loot and destroy in the name of some disgusting, perverted insult to "Islam". I'm calling them bad because they commit ethnic cleansing against religious minorities and commit terrorist attacks, in which, need I remind you, aim to kill innocent people en masse.

                Now that I think of it, weren't we butting heads a while ago about you calling Iran a good and anti-imperialist state? What happened to that?

                • SmallieBiggs [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Iran is anti American. I will take their side over the Great Satan’s.

                  • Pezevenk [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Iran is literally fighting ISIL though???

                    You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about do you?

  • cornoffthecob [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"

  • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
    4 years ago

    What if we used the military to seize and neutralize health insurance companies? Hahahaha..... unless?