No Guide this time, allthough with some interest in the topic on this site I figure we could share our favorite bicycle content online for people who want to get into the hobby. Here's my recommendations, if anyone wants to add I'll update the list accordingly.

Sheldown Brown - The quintessential cycling website. If you ever need help, visit Sheldons site, he has written about everything basically. He has since passed away, but the Website keeps getting updated from time to time by family and volunteers.

Shifter - a channel about urban bicycling as a means of transportation in Canada. Think it's a great start to get into the topic if you live there or in the US.

Not just Bikes - a candian city planner telling you why the dutch got that one pretty right. It's more focused on cycling in concerns of transportation / infrastructure, but it is very well made and might offer some insight.

Berm Peak - He has some very good guides to beginner mountain biking, most of it is more entertainment though, but it is a very good watch for that. Judging by the comments, even if you're not super into mountain biking.

Global Cycling Network / Global Mountain Biking Network - First one is roadbike content mostly, second is self explanatory. They're sponsored and it shows, there's lots of fluff on these channels and lots of remade but the same content. They do both offer pretty good beginner tips and put out the occasional really good video about bicycling. The rest honestly feels like maintenance vids to keep the channel going and the money flowing.

r/frankenbikes - it's not all that active, but it can be interesting to see what kind of monstrosities people manage to cobble together.

r/bikewrench - it's allright, you can ask questions about how to fix your bike there and you'll probably get some idea about what's wrong.

Sam Pilgrim - it's a man never seen without some Monster branded apparel, missing one front teeth building and riding the dumbest possible bicycles in the dumbest possible settings. He is also very good at both of those things. There's 0 educational value to this.

As suggested by @Kissmydadonthelips

Park Tool - Maintenance videos

Dustin Klein - Lifestyle cyclist (stolen from the channel description), entertainment and light info

The Path less Pedaled - Entertainment and light info.