Completely unrelated but I just remembered that missionary who went to ”Satan’s last stronghold on Earth” and was killed by the natives of the island. Dope.
Fuck missionaries. Really fuck these people. The more I think about it the madder I get. Who the fuck do you think you are to believe your shitty religion is superior to what literally anyone else believes? In fucking year fucking 2020, where science has disproven anything written in your dumbass big book of made up stories? Religion is the opium of the people and a tool of oppression, and anyone who has never heard of God is better off without it. And the very fact that them dumbass missionaries still think they have a mission, and that those indigenous people are "uncivilized" makes my blood boil. Can't you just fucking leave people alone? As if the world hadn't suffered enough because of your religious bullshit.
Why tho? I get that getting frustrated at religion can be/feel and look carthatic, but I also feel like the critics I emited towards religion were valid.
Also Marx is on my side
and I would like to see how that hair would fare in a blizzard
Hopefully no local militia finds out affluent unarmed well connected people are going deep into the woods.
Be a real shame if they were ransomed and like made fun of for being nerds
sounds like they're already in contact, they should've done like the Sentinelese
Maybe they're playing the long game and just waiting for the missionaries to get to a part of the bible where killing them would be ironic
Fuck Christian missionaries, whether they're in some remote part of the world bothering isolated and underpriviledged people or whether they're yelling shit about me going to hell into a megaphone in front of the train station on my commute.
I'd tell these guys to shove their god up their ass but unfortunately he's also banned them from having any fun
The story of John Chau the missionary who tried to convert the North Sentinelese people is pretty interesting; his 'training' consisted of running around a forest in Virginia while a bunch of white actors hired to play 'natives' spoke a made up language and he 'converted' them
tbf on his first attempt an arrow apparently struck his Bible and he escaped, only to return the next day..
so the Lord gave him a sign, protected him from harm with his Word, yet he ignored Him?
what a bellend
If anything it's proof that whatever religion the Sentinelese have is the correct one
These fuckers have nothing left but the most remote people on the planet apparently. Everyone else already fed up with their bullshit.