It looks like the enemy flag is supposed to be reminiscent of the Nazi/"Nazbol" flag. So it's probably trying to pull an "anti-fascists are the real fascists" on impressionable teenagers. Probably some Polish petite fascists trying to get some of their political beliefs in front of people. Game looks bland as hell though. Wikipedia says "the team put a lot of emphasis in writing the game's story, with the lead writer Joshua Rubin comparing it to Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness." Ummm...
Games about being a colonizer are pretty par for the course in video games though.
Sounds like a shit game.
cis white dudes ruined gaming smh.
What the fuck company is so mask off to even be hosting this game on their service? Also, incredibly overt and awful fascism aside, how does that attempt to compete with Destiny2?
Don't forget the War crimes and casual murder of people begging for their lives. It's the flippant disregard for life from Borderlands/Bulletstorm but the plot is "this is all that is left of Humanity, this small valley that is at War over ????, weirdly the only character who seems to matter says the war is stupid and doesn't matter because everyone will die. The word "Insurgent" is tossed around a lot.
The game to put it as nicely as possible has a bad case of tonal whiplash like every dialog scene was written completely detached from every other cutscene. The game's writing is so bad that the 'neat' combat can't make up for it, as also the encounters are mostly uninteresting and the enemy types aren't that interesting to fight, these are not Destiny 2 enemies that have their own rhythm and reaction. Just hold the trigger over the heads until they die, roll out of the way if they are the heavies who drop grenades on death.
Oh, we also forgot to talk about the cutscene where a old guy gets shot in the head, you then kill the assassin after he says "look, I was just trying to get paid" then you accidentally rescue a woman before |
she gets raped|
and the game treats it like a joke. It would almost be funny, it's delivered like humor, but the weird way the player character seems to randomly value lives makes the whole thing feel weird and terrible.
I couldn’t come up with something this fucked up even if I wanted to.
These people saw Avatar and thought the guys mowing down indigenous people were cool
That's a shame. I thought the classes looked interesting and wanted to give it a try, but hard pass on this bullshit.
wait, are you sure this isn't satirical and/or pulling the "you were actually working for the bad guys" twist, a la Deus Ex or Haze?
They also chose to make that game about Baird. The blond hair blue eyed character that no one gives a shit about.
What’s the odds that’s a reference to Enoch Powell and not the biblical figure…