I am on an Arnie movie binge and it’s incredible
I watched total recall recently and oh my fuck what a crazy movie. How did anyone take him seriously he just does his weird yell constantly.
Is the Predator ever shown killing or having killed a communist? If not I would make it uncritical support.
Quick read of the synopsis tells us that the three killings that the predator does off-screen are green berrets, otherwise it's just CIA murder all the way down:
The team discovers the wreckage of a helicopter and three skinned corpses, identified by Dutch as Green Berets out of Fort Bragg that he knew personally.
Holy shit I need someone who's a good artist to do a Red Predator drawing :CommiePOGGERS:
The local village does have a legend about it killing some villagers so I guess it is possible
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie but doesn’t the local woman who they take hostage say that the predator was killing local villagers too? I can’t remember the specifics but there’s that part where she’s all “there are stories of some forest hunter killing folks” or something like that.
Yea well how long have they been communists? if the Predator came there before communsim to hunt and is now back, then it never hunted communists. QED.
I've seen the movie too many times. Yeah, she says men go missing during hot years and they find the bodies
The knowledge we get later from Arnie that it doesn't kill if they aren't armed means it probably picked out their hunters or guards (if they have them)
Terminator 1 and 2, Total Recall, Predator. I rank them T2 best, then Predator, then T1, then Recall
Idk if they were communists but there’s a rebel outpost in the same jungle and none of them gut hunted. They just get murdered by Annie instead