This is the giddiest I’ve been since Rush Limbaugh ate shit lmao

Edit: here’s the Link since the sound doesn’t work on Chapo

  • amicrazyorislifealie [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The entire point of that committee is to manage the budget, which Sanders is trying to use to ram through whatever progressive policies he can through reconciliation. Whatever fails to get through is largely Harris’s fault for refusing to use her constitutional powers to make decisions on senate rules. His job is not to expend political capital cock blocking people who are par for the course by American standards. He’s said no to nominees who are worse than Tanden.

    Again take your fucking wins and maybe log off. I’m going to after I’m done Tanden posting because this place is a cesspit of autistic misery that brings out the worst qualities of my own well managed autism. I’d highly recommend taking a breather and being reminded about the real world and what actually matters, which, while this is good fun, this doesn’t matter.