First episode I listened to was a justification for Russian nazis and the second I listened to called childless people losers. I don't care to listen to any more of it. Is the name a joke or something? Why would you name your website after these losers? The people on /r/blackwolffeed are nothing but terfs and hate on identity politics and trans people. I don't feel like the brand of leftism chapo is selling is something I want to buy. It's like hey free healthcare but your not a woman and don't mention race exists. If mods are gonna ban me for hating on this podcast than do it, I don't want to be here if they support it. However if you fine people don't like the podcast, I ask you for your support to change the name, because I haven't found a raunchier trans space. I recommend John Waters Fun House, can this thread just be a struggle session of coming up with better names than one of a shitty reactionary podcast? Thank you.

  • Catiline [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Never listened to the podcast, have no sentimentality regarding it and frankly agree that the 'chapo' brand has outlasted it's usefulness.

    That said, creating an account called 'chapoistransphobic' and immediately posting a thread where you depict yourself at the risk of being 'silenced' by the mods is over taking qualm with an vestigial name is, if not wrecking, then indistinguishable from it.

    • purr [undecided]
      4 years ago

      what is it wrecking though? the ability to not see a post about how chapo is transphobic? this is very low stakes

        • purr [undecided]
          4 years ago

          yeah i think this person is saying some weird, offensive and illogical stuff, i just wonder sometimes what we mean when we say wrecking. they could be trolling but like, are they infiltrating and stalling leftist movements? or just being annoying on a website?

          idk maybe im misunderstanding how wrecking is usually used

          some people here act like any refutation of their ideas is wrecking left unity when its really just that person may just be a dick whose wrong so i was confused

          • Catiline [he/him]
            4 years ago

            'Wrecking' is essentially any action taken to sow discord, exacerbate strife and undermine cohesion in a community.

            What I was saying, while I don't know what the person's intent was, nor is it particularly pertinent to me, but the manner in which they have said some ' weird, offensive and illogical stuff' has all the attributes of wrecking.

    • chapoistransphobic [she/her]
      4 years ago

      To be honest I expected to get banned for posting this. If I was I wouldn't of stayed. I just wanted to share my true thoughts on the podcast because Ive been lurking here for a while and I figured I should say something. I got to say that everyone here has been positively smashing when it comes to the podcast being shit.

      • Catiline [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Criticism is important, and the manner in which it is delivered is almost equally important. As someone who has been lurking here for awhile, you should be aware that this community has frequently been the subject of attacks from trolls and etc who've boasted on other boards that they deliberately cultivate strife masquerading under the pretense of concern over important issues.

        I'm not a lib, I won't dictate to you how to express your frustrations nor demand any ridiculous notion of 'civility' but criticism must be delivered in a clear, concise manner that invites discussion and a clear path to working to a solution in the community, rather than vague, hyperbolic accusations and insinuations that generate nothing productive and is a favorite method of 'wreckers' to weaken communities.