Holy shit, I’m literally shaking right now. I told my gf once and for all to meet at Wendy’s for a debate-date. With all that Discord had taught me, I knew that I would easily destroy her site renaming delusions. Hexbear vs Chapo.chat in the marketplace of ideas. The first thing I did was bring out my Iphone 11 and show her the wikipedia article for “bears”. I started counting the causalities. That’s when she brought out her completely packed bag and started pulling out my posting history. Emotes, megathread comments, Lenin, and a bunch of posts I made complaining about the site. My hands started trembling (with anger) as I continued to scroll down the wikipedia page of “bears” on my Iphone 11. She basically said that it was all wrecker propaganda and exaggerated, and that if I cared about a brand so much that moving away from association of a podcast would be a good thing. She kept quoting these bits and shoving posts in my face. I told her to stop pivoting and gish-galloping but she just kept going. At this point the people at Wendy’s were pointing and chuckling, and someone went “How’s it going lib?” with a smirk. No one understood that she was acting in bad faith and was nitpicking and clearly biased. She hadn’t really responded to any of the points my wikipedia article was making. At some point I started stammering (because I was so mad at how illogical she was being) and she went “I think I’ve won, pick up a foot ball.” (nice gaslighting).

She asked if we should end it there or if I wanted to try at another debate. I smiled a confident smile and asked “Do you think brand recognition is important?” She said obviously, and I asked why, and she couldn’t come up with an argument because she went quiet for a few seconds. I continued, “There’s nothing inherently wrong with being attracted to a chapo trap house podcast host...” (I am not). But then a guy next to us at Wendy’s broke into really loud laughter and basically said “Why are you with this lib?”

The guy had a really broad build and was wearing a pig poop balls t-shirt. He had a really thick and sturdy mustache and a masculine pony tail. “You’re clearly more intelligent and hot than this guy. Take a look at this.” He showed my gf something on his Samsung Galaxy 10, and she giggled. I think it was a stupid hexbear meme or something. She basically ended it there and went with this broad and sturdy guy. On the way out I tripped on the doorstep and everyone laughed. She isn’t responding to my dms, and this was like five hours ago. What the fuck should I do chapo.chat? Help.