That dude is a loon who sees Nazbols under every rock. I can't believe I didn't read the byline. This isn't even the first time he's written this article!
You can read from exile to dirtbag here, from 2018. It's the exact same thing - guilt by association, in this case basically playing "knee bone connected to the shin bone" to equate Richard Spencer, Limonov, and...the Chapos.
We've been getting breathless articles about how CTH will lead to red fash taking over since they started. It's wild how people who consider themselves good leftists don't recognize that shit like this is just like how CNN panics over Fox News. It's the journalism industry competing with each other by trying to convince the audience the other guy is bad. Also chapo used to literally make death threats to people in the media as a bit for the first 10 eps or so. Of course these kinds of people hate them. They can't sell their brand of "left" journalism when the ebil brocialist left shits on them and makes them look foolish. These people live on selling their credibility as left-whisperers to larger news outlets.
Wait, Alexander Reid Ross wrote this?!
That dude is a loon who sees Nazbols under every rock. I can't believe I didn't read the byline. This isn't even the first time he's written this article!
You can read from exile to dirtbag here, from 2018. It's the exact same thing - guilt by association, in this case basically playing "knee bone connected to the shin bone" to equate Richard Spencer, Limonov, and...the Chapos.
We've been getting breathless articles about how CTH will lead to red fash taking over since they started. It's wild how people who consider themselves good leftists don't recognize that shit like this is just like how CNN panics over Fox News. It's the journalism industry competing with each other by trying to convince the audience the other guy is bad. Also chapo used to literally make death threats to people in the media as a bit for the first 10 eps or so. Of course these kinds of people hate them. They can't sell their brand of "left" journalism when the ebil brocialist left shits on them and makes them look foolish. These people live on selling their credibility as left-whisperers to larger news outlets.