Earlier today a vegan made a post with a white supremacist dog whistle by satirizing a person who's people "have been eating dog for thousands of years". Another Indigenous person and I did our best to call out the white supremacist nature of the discussion, so the poster later edited the title to specifically reference European people, which may have been well intentioned but only served to gaslight us by making it look like we were over-reacting and looking to be offended.

I came here for the leftism, and stayed for the Trans Rights. I'm a 2-spirit, native leftist. I have myriad reasons why I may or may not choose or even have the choice of veganism and any moralizing or condescension that comes from white vegans is an extension of over 500 years of an imposition of an alien value system which is profoundly disconnected from this land and the plants and animals which are our blood relations.

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    No, it's describing the focus on capitalists focusing on moralistic arguments and introducing solutions to derail and take the wind out of revolutionary solutions. It's about talk and not real action.

    Chiding people for being vegan is not making progress towards a society wide solution. If it did, all of the protestors outside of the meat packing plants in my town would have had them shut down decades ago.

    It's the same with XR, with PETA, with Occupy wallstreet. These are movements that shame the user, the consumer, and the worker, without possessing any plan for follow through for making real solutions or effecting change, it's just blame and spectacle.

    Veganism has a very true moral argument, but this shouldn't be blaming people for eating meat or calling them non -leftists, it should be working together to effect this change from a position of power.