Earlier today a vegan made a post with a white supremacist dog whistle by satirizing a person who's people "have been eating dog for thousands of years". Another Indigenous person and I did our best to call out the white supremacist nature of the discussion, so the poster later edited the title to specifically reference European people, which may have been well intentioned but only served to gaslight us by making it look like we were over-reacting and looking to be offended.

I came here for the leftism, and stayed for the Trans Rights. I'm a 2-spirit, native leftist. I have myriad reasons why I may or may not choose or even have the choice of veganism and any moralizing or condescension that comes from white vegans is an extension of over 500 years of an imposition of an alien value system which is profoundly disconnected from this land and the plants and animals which are our blood relations.

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    No, it's because these movements, as they are often implemented to deflate the revolutionary potential by being about a lot of talk and not actually providing the ability to change the conditions that caused the issues in the first place. Of course addressing these issues is good, of course veganism is good, of course helping those in need is good - but when it's done with the intent of derailing the ability to effect real change, that is, when it is used instead of further work, or to put blame on the working class, or when it's not utilized to organize and criticize the bourgeoisie, then it is counter-revolutionary.

    Example :Charity is counter revolutionary because when it is used by the bourgeoisie to direct a pittance to the poorest in need, it mollifies many otherwise who would take to the streets to demand change. Charity is used as propaganda to mask class antagonism, while simultaneously supporting the status quo.

    This is a fundamental part of liberalism, is lip service to important causes, without providing a pathway to real change.

    I don't see this as class reductionism.

    Similarly, attacking your comrades for their personal choices does not provide a pathway to greater change. Yes, veganism is cause worth fighting for, yes animal rights are important. This is something that should be used to motivate the left, not attack and create schisms.

    • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
      4 years ago

      when it is used instead of further work, or to put blame on the working class, or when it’s not utilized to organize and criticize the bourgeoisie, then it is counter-revolutionary.

      the top of the thread just says "fuck changing anything in favor of being less cruel to animals, we have more important shit to take care of." while trying to use the fucking communist manifesto to justify it. if that's not creating a fucking schism and demotivating leftist vegans i don't know what is. if he'd said about humanitarian efforts his comment would be removed for being 'stupidpol garbage' as well it should.