In a week we've had people bootlicking the Royal fucking Family like it wasn't huge news that one of them (that we know of) was a paedophile, and apparently are serial harassers and racists, and now a woman has been murdered and it's turned into a battle of who can be the shittiest person about this incident between #NotAllMen twats and fucking TERFs who think that Eddie Izzard using "she/her" pronouns is somehow the equivalent to this murder.

Context on the TERF thing is that Eddie Izzard using she/her pronouns is on the same front page as this woman's murder so the take away is of course that she's a horrible monster who's stealing valour or something idk.

Can the UK discourse truly get any more stupid? Oh, it can. It fucking can. Kew Garden's are apparently noting the imperialist history regarding some of their plants (e.g. sugar cane) and people are going absolutely nuts. They're literally saying it's erasing history to talk about things that actually happened in history. Literally just acknowledging it makes people think the UK is under attack.

:UK-cool: :ukkk: :nuke:

  • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Damn, I got angry.

    But seriously, out of everything we could have learned from this event it's apparently just to sit back and say "damn, men get murdered too" and that transwomen are somehow downplaying the struggles women face by literally just existing and being happy with themselves.

    It also genuinely hurts me to see so many women attack Eddie Izzard for wanting breasts because they were sexually harassed because of their breasts. There's genuinely a huge system pushing sexually assaulted women into TERF bullshit by using their trauma as an attack, and defense of shitty beliefs. How do you even combat that without looking like a shit person attacking a survivor?

  • MorallyPanicked [they/them]
    4 years ago

    It really fucking sucks that, amongst all this incredibly important dialogue about making women safe, there are always TERFs trying to blame trans women for the actions of cis men.

  • weenuk [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I forgot who Sall Grover was so I did the self-harm and googled her name and saw that post you're referring to. I doubt the statistics are very different on TERF island but here on Turtle Island transwomen, especially transwomen of colour face incredible levels of violence and it absolutely pains me that TERFs can't acknowledge that they are fueling the very misogyny they claim to oppose.