• Candidate [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Other people have outlined it for you, but severing ties with China is the best way to ensure that Tibet gets taken over by a western proxy.

      It's certainly a risk. But we're comparing a possible imperalism to one that is actively ongoing.

        • Candidate [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Actually look at conditions in Tibet and how dramatically they have improved over the last 50 years

          Oh I see, colonialism is just fine when you build infrastructure.

            • Candidate [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I said conditions, not roads. Look at the decrease in poverty. Look at the increase in children actually being able to complete primary school. Look at just about any metric you want and you will find that it has improved.

              So fucking what? Of course it should improve, they're not fucking feudal lords, of course it's going to be a massive step up. But Tibet in the the 1950s is not the counterfactual we're comparing it to, it's the theoretical independent communist tibetan state.

                • Candidate [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  The insistence that without the guiding hand of the Imperialist, the region would inevitably fall into authoritarianism, anarchism or owned by the "bad" imperalist, is an absolute classic piece of Imperialist propaganda.