And brought up socialism, as soon as I did like half the board turned into fiscal conservative chuds. Do you think Tim Mcilrath ever gets tired of chuds just not even listening to or caring about the passionate lyrics he writes for his songs?
Seems like Rage Against the Machine deals with the exact same shit.
Rise Against is angry loud which is enough for a lot of normies who think they're rebels cuz they hated their teachers and standing for the pledge
That’s so bizarre lol some dude in a confederate flag hat and ‘I’m an infidel shirt’ blasting this
If you'd like some other melodic hardcore bands with fewer chud fans, check out Defeater, Comeback Kid, Modern Life Is War, Verse, Another Breath, or what I'm listening to right now None More Black. Also, keep in mind Americans are some of the most propagandized people re: socialism, so you're fighting literally generations of brainwashing.
Chances are these kids aren't chuds, they're frustrated and rebellious and know shit is dumb and broken, but haven't questioned why things are the way they are thoroughly, and still rely on their childhood framework for understanding the world. Socialism is a word that people who think they're smarter than you use when they want you on their side, but don't actually have your best interests in mind because they're gonna take like half of your inheritance money when grandpa dies and you really want that mustang but they're gonna take it away
i love this genre tysm
I forgot to recommend Killing The Dream, but they're very similar to the list above. When you're feeling more emotional, Touche Amore, La Dispute, William Bonney. If you want some femme fronted stuff, Gouge Away, GLOSS, Faim, Initiate.
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