I was still a dumb lib back then. But my radicalization has really peeled opened my eyes to my part in continuing colonialism in Africa and imperialism in the Middle East.

But if I had never served, a lot of the understanding I have would not exist. Or how the military functions and how fucked up and clueless everyone is. Or how so many are working class being recruited for the basic conditions we as leftists want for everyone. Housing, job, sense of purpose, food, etc.

Just hard tackling all of this stuff and thoughts sometimes.

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They way I’ve internalized my service is that now I know how some of the tactics and maneuvers the military uses works. Which means it can be counteracted. The US is still training on the idea of fighting the Soviet Union, it’s broader now to include counter insurgency, but there is no adaption to an insurgency or vanguard at home. The same tactics they use overseas won’t work here. Because the conditions are different.